Saturday, May 24, 2008

Courtney Cannot Be Trusted!

I have been in denial about this, but I have to finally admit it. Courtney can no longer be trusted to stay in one spot. Yikes! Noooooooo! I needed more time before she started doing this! This was brought home today when I was cleaning the shower in the master bathroom. I left her sitting up playing on her quilt on the master bedroom floor while I stopped cleaning the shower, went to the laundry room (just off the master suite) and took a load out of the dryer and put another one in the dryer. This took I guess 2 minutes. I returned to my bedroom, and not only was Courtney not on the quilt, but she was not in the bedroom at all. I had about a second of panic before I found her in the master bathroom . . . just about to crawl into the shower! She crawled more than 30 feet from her original position in 2 minutes. Here's video proof of the crawling; I took this video today before lunch. The video starts out slow but then she really gets going. I should note that she has been crawling since about the first of the month, but since I have been in denial, I have resisted posting about it...check it out below.


Lok said...

oh my word - she is so cute.

arr-jay said...

Could she possibly be more adorable?! In a word, NO. Too cute.