Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family TKOd by Virus

Luckily for you, there are no pictures of this blog entry. Recipe for a really fun weekend:

  1. Thursday at work, get call from day care that baby is sick with stomach ailment and fever. Go get baby.
  2. Baby in a terrible mood all evening Thursday but goes to sleep at normal time and sleeps all night.
  3. Baby still has stomach ailment, fever and bad mood on Friday morning. Since Todd has a very busy day on Friday, stay at home Friday from work tending to sick baby.
  4. At lunchtime Friday, notice baby has terrible pimply red rash all over face and neck. A little while after that, it spreads to stomach and back.
  5. Call doctor. Doctor works you in late Friday afternoon.
  6. Visit baby's doctor. Diagnosis is stomach virus. (Doc says rash is also related to the virus.) No medicine given.
  7. In the car on the way home, feel terribly ill. Realize upon arriving home that you have stomach virus and fever too. Nutrients exit digestive system.
  8. Put baby to bed at 7 p.m. Friday. Retire to bed yourself, to the extent you can.
  9. After eating dinner alone in the kitchen, Todd comes into the bedroom and mentions, 'I don't feel so good myself.' He has fever. Nutrients exit digestive system.
  10. Realize all hell has broken loose. Call mother at 7 am Saturday morning and beg her to come to town to help with baby. She agrees, God bless her.
  11. At 8 am Saturday, drag oneself to Walgreens to get Sprite, Gatorade, and disposable latex gloves for Mama Lyn to use in changing diapers so maybe she won't get the virus.
  12. Sleep all day Saturday - while Mama Lyn takes care of baby.
  13. Sleep all night Saturday - while Mama Lyn takes care of baby.
  14. Sunday, feel a bit better and become able to function somewhat. Todd does not. Todd sleeps all day Sunday. (This is a man who won't even take an asprin because he doesn't like medicines. He actually asked me Saturday where I kept the Advil.)
  15. Blog on Sunday night. If baby still has stomach ailment tomorrow, she won't be able to go to 'school.' Cross fingers that baby and husband improve.


arr-jay said...

Oh my goodness - how awful! I hope everyone feels much better very soon. :-(

Renee said...

I feel your pain! We went through that except Landry didn't get sick and we didn't have a Mama Lyn!! It's tough taking care of a baby while you're sick. Hope all is better tomorrow! r

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Yick. This happened to us when Clay was about 3 months old. MISERABLE. Soooo glad mom came for a bit to take the pressure off!

Renee said...

OOOH...I likey the new look!

arr-jay said...

Ohmigosh! LOVE the new look and feel of your blog. Too sweet. And the pic of you and Courtney is just precious. Miss you!

Lok said...

Oh, good golly. I am so sorry for you guys! I hope the dumb storm passed y'all by and didn't add salt to the proverbial wounds. blugh. Feel better soon!!!