Thursday, January 01, 2009

Our Girl Returns

Mama Lyn and Courtney have had a vacation together this week. Courtney went home with her and stayed for a few days, and they have had a grand time. I went today to Hattiesburg to pick her up, and it was fun to see the look on her face when I walked in! But it wasn't a few minutes longer before she said "Daddy?" I told her Daddy was at home, and that Courtney was going to get in the car with Mommy and go home too. We are glad to have her home, and thankful that Mama Lyn enjoys keeping her sometimes so we can have dinner out and sleep til 8:30 a.m! Thanks Mama Lyn!
Courtney's favorite things to do with Daddy: sit in his lap and play the piano with him, be tossed in the air or turned end over end, picture flash cards, the chasing game, count to three, sing the 'happy and you know it' song, and play peekaboo.


arr-jay said...

So precious! I know no one is surprised at what great parents you and Todd are. It's fun to get updates on how much Courtney is enjoying y'all!

arr-jay said...

p.s. Nice beard, Todd.