Friday, March 13, 2009

What I Was Doing Ten Years Ago Today

Today is our tenth anniversary - we were married March 13, 1999. Excuse me while I'm mushy for a second: I love you, Toddly, and here's to many more years!
Wow - how young we look! So can you BELIEVE there was no digital photography back in 1999? (I'm sure it existed, but at least my wedding photographer didn't do it and I didn't know anyone else in Jackson who did.) I don't have any of these wedding photos on disk in good quality because they were taken using film. I happen to have these photos you see on this post because a few years ago, I laid the actual photos on my scanner and scanned them in. Since we have instant photos these days, it's just hard to imagine how we lived without a digital camera. Also, in 1999, I did not even own a mobile phone. Ten years ago, Todd and I threw some things in a 'wedding time capsule' and we looked at them the other day, and under "trends for 1999" I had literally written down "E-COMMERCE" as if it was some here-today, gone-tomorrow kind of thing.
Okay so let me ID everyone here. Todd and I are in the middle. In the green dresses: Julie, Beverly, Stacey, Kim, Laura and Diane. In the black tuxedoes, Breck, Ben, Tony, Dan, Bruce, my dad, Mike, Kevin, Scott, Sandon and Allen. Wow, that was before Todd even met Jake!


Alisa said...

Happy Anniversary, Kristen! And here's to many, many more decades together!

arr-jay said...

This brought tears to my eyes -- sappy ones and ones from laughing re. e-commerce! Happy belated anniversary and congratulations on the beautiful marriage you and Todd share. :-) Thanks for being good examples of commitment and love for the rest of us.

Love you two so much -- and that little Courtney bug, too. :-)

Lok said...

Awww! A belated congratulations to y'all! You looked beautiful. :-)