Monday, August 04, 2008

Resourceful Dad

I have to brag on Todd for what he did today. For some reason, there was a power outage in our neighborhood last night, and this morning, the power still was not back on. I went to work today, but for Todd, the story was different, because today the day care was closed for staff development, and he had planned to 'stay home' with Courtney. Staying home in an un-air-conditioned house wasn't very appealing, of course, and I was worried about what he would do, but he insisted they'd be fine and he'd figure something out. I shouldn't have worried. He took her to breakfast at Broad Street Bakery, to work out at the Courthouse gym (she stayed in the nursery), then they came home and had some lunch in the hot house. Later, they visited the local library branch and read some kids' books, and visited the Parham Bridges playground where she had her first ride in a baby swing and absolutely loved it. He said she belly laughed and laughed while on the swing. When I got home from work at 5, the power came on and we were able to resume a normal routine. Todd never even complained today! If I had been in his situation, I would have been freaking out about what to do, not to mention whining non-stop about not having any power. Also, I probably would have gone shopping and spent $$ and he did not. :-)


Lok said...

Way to go Todd!!! Well done day. :-)